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Our Journey...


During the year of 2017, three women with lived experience and a professional lens came together with shared frustration in the current provision, labelling and ghettoising of care-affected girls. This led us to connect with five girls and four colleagues whose experiences solidified the creation of Sister System.  


The Sister System journey began with:

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  • Creation of our programme with 17 female care leavers through a series of Think Tanks in 2017.

  • Delivering our programme of mentoring, workshops and qualifications to >40 care affected girls and young women from 2018-2019; many of whom are now qualified Peer Mentors.

  • Securing funding to pay for graduates as Peer Mentors with our partner, First Star at St Mary’s University.

  • We have supported our beneficiaries into further education and employment. 

  • Secured further funding in 2020 to work with a new cohort of girls at high risk of being involved in serious organised crime.

  • Invited onto a partnership contract with Haringey Young Adults Service & DWP.

  • Created robust partnerships and referral routes.

  • Commissioned to deliver elements of our programme by Inner London Secondary Schools and Spurs Foundation.

  • Incubated by Impetus-PEF during our set-up and Think Tank stage (2017-2018).

  • Our beneficiaries continue to shape the organisation through their roles as paid Mentors, Trustees and Ambassadors. 

  • Awarded funding to secure office space in the community embedding us with other community providers and allowing our beneficiaries to cascade their skills via outreach work.

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